Episode 240: 2019 Quarterbacks Preview

The 2019 Tier Buster Series kicks off with the 2019 Quarterback Class. The podcast starts out with Matt and Paul discussing how evaluating the quarterback position has changed over the last few years and what they look for when evaluating the position.

Next they start breaking down their tiers in terms of what makes up their tier one and what prospects from the 2019 class fit into their tier and why. Following a lengthy discussion on some of the top prospects in tier one, they follow up with the same discussion for tier two, tier three and tier four quarterbacks.

To close the show, they discuss how their may be one or two prospects that were on the border between two tiers who could move up or down after watching more film and the combine but unlike other positions, there is usually little movement in the quarterbacks during tiers during the pre draft months.

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Scouting Academy

Hosts: Matt Caraccio (@matty_S2S) Paul Perdichizzi (@paulie23ny)

Editor: David Nakano (@kawikaNakano)

WebsiteSaturday2SundayFootball (@s2sfootball)